The Peas and me

This is about me and my twins - "the Peas" - and what we get up to.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cool dudes

M and I have been talking about sending photos of the Peas to a modelling agency in the hope of financing their education...and trainers, computer games, etc. etc. Still haven't got my head around the ethics of the idea, but took some photos yesterday that could be candidates. You can't see it, but Finn has a Superman "tattoo" from a pack of candy sticks - what we knew as sweetie cigarettes as kids - on his arm. He also has a sort of medallion on, that came free with a Japanese-style animation comic. Joe's little top is one half of a suit I bought him in Hong Kong. It's always touching when the Peas, who tend to choose their own clothes every day, pick out something I bought for them.


Blogger LottieP said...

aw! I love that combination of cute as a button mixed with too cool for school.

I'd hire them any day of the week.

6:01 AM  

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